by msk | Jan 31, 2017 | Authors, Kindle Scout
Readers take note: Posts such as the one below will be of more interest to authors. I’ve placed all the writer related posts in the “Authors” category and those for readers will be in the “Readers” category. This is still a new website so...
by msk | Jan 30, 2017 | Uncategorized
Today I woke up to see that I do have stats! Yes! Even though I felt pretty confident that would be the case, it was still a relief to see that little blue button added to my campaign page. Just as Kindle Scout promised.:) I found out that I’ve spent 12 hours in...
by msk | Jan 28, 2017 | Uncategorized
Kindle Scout Launch Day At midnight my campaign went live! Woo hoo! Already a bit of a learning curve and some thoughts for future campaigns. First of all, don’t expect your campaign stats to update AT ALL on your first day. I thought they were frozen or there...
by msk | Jan 27, 2017 | Authors, Kindle Scout
Day 0 Prepping social media stuff sure is time consuming! Today I worked on getting my account on set-up. I paid $19.99 for a month (supposedly regularly $99??). So far it’s been a bit frustrating. It doesn’t show my updated Facebook posts...
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