Day 0

Prepping social media stuff sure is time consuming! Today I worked on getting my account on set-up. I paid $19.99 for a month (supposedly regularly $99??). So far it’s been a bit frustrating. It doesn’t show my updated Facebook posts nor did it properly credit me when I promoted a post for another user. That’s how copromote works – people promote one another in exchange for “reach”. I’ll post another update when I’ve given it a fair chance.

Below is a video I made especially for Instagram. If you’re going to make an instagram video the best dimensions are 1080×1080. Regular sized videos are supposed to “crop” but when I tried it all the text just got cut off. I’m not sure how successful it was to use text from the opening of my book. Maybe it’s just confusing? It’s an experiment. More conventional would have been to use descriptions…”stunning new thriller etc. etc.” but I see that done a lot. I thought this might inspire a little more curiosity.:)

I also have a bunch of author related hashtags which are KEY when it comes to promoting on instagram. I’ll post those soon when I have them gathered all in one place.

One of the reader magnets (a term for a free gift you offer to the kind folks and fans who sign up for your mailing list) is a Prequel Novella. I will need that done soon and all this marketing is taking away time from that. Back to writing this afternoon before the storm hits tomorrow and I go live!

One last thing: my thought is – don’t bother paying for too much marketing (if any) during your first few days. When a Kindle Scout campaign goes live your book will be automaticaly posted in the “Recently Added” section by default (so I’m told – I’ll let you know how that goes). Ideally you want a slow burn to raise the clicks to move you from Recently Added to the ‘Hot & Trending’ over the course of a few days.